Weather underground temperature history
Weather underground temperature history

weather underground temperature history

When running this, only data for one day is downloaded in the correct file location, not all of them in the date range.

weather underground temperature history

Myfile <- paste("NewportWeather",rownames(my_dates),".csv")ĭownload.file(url = myurl, file.path(folder, myfile, fsep = "\\" )) My_dates<-as.integer(unlist(strsplit(as.character(dates),"-"))) Where i is a date between the start and end.Įnd_date <- as.POSIXct(Sys.Date(),tz="gmt")ĭates <- seq.POSIXt(start_date,end_date,by="day") I am running a for loop for the url: myurl <- paste("",station,"&day=",my_dates$day,"&month=",my_dates$month,"&year=",my_dates$year,"&graphspan=day&format=1", sep = "") In order to speed up the run time I am running the code from the 1st of September 2019 to today's date (I will actually need to run for a period of a few years). I am trying to download historical data from weather underground into csv format by running a for loop with iterations for each date.

Weather underground temperature history